While using the BLE HM-10 module, you must encounter some really frustrating problems like you cannot send or receive AT commands, or you cannot pair HM-10 with Smart Phone. If you encounter these problems, then your BLE HM-10 module is surely a Cloned HM-10 Module. Yes, you heard it right, the Cloned HM-10 module. However after flashing it with genuine firmware it acts like a genuine BLE HM10 module and can be used as original Bluetooth module. Here we have interfaced HM10 BLE module with Arduino Uno to control an LED.

What is a Cloned HM-10 Module?

Cloned HM-10 modules are similar to the Genuine HM-10 module. But to save the extra cost while manufacturing, the manufacturers removed the external oscillator and leaves the space for the External Oscillator. The manufacture used the internal oscialltor of HM-10 module for saving the cost. Also, the firmware is different than the genuine HM-10 module.